14 Feb Meet Jeri
Jeri is celebrating Easter with JOY – because of you!
Thank you for showing her that new life is possible.
Growing up, Jeri’s parents meant everything to her… and to each other. Even the closest families struggle, though, and sometimes Jeri felt alcohol was more important to her parents than she was.
When her older brother moved out, Jeri found herself sole caregiver for their mother, who’d become terminally ill. She passed away during Jeri’s senior year of high school. A short time later, their father also passed away, broken-hearted by the loss of his wife.
“I shoved my feelings down and turned to pain medication to numb myself,” Jeri admits. Without a foundation in the Lord, she remembers feeling profound loneliness.
What followed was a cycle of unhealthy relationships and road blocks. When Jeri became pregnant, she knew she needed help, but the idea of getting clean while navigating single motherhood was overwhelming.
After her second son was born, Jeri and her young family faced homelessness. Although she’d given up hard drugs, she wasn’t yet truly sober.
Two toddlers in tow, Jeri came to the Mission, where healing could finally begin.
“The staff welcomed us in a caring way,” she recalls. “They picked me up – broken, spiritually lost and angry in my grief.” Through Christ’s love, Jeri came to understand what a blessing she’d walked into that day.
“The Mission showed me God. To watch my children grow in Him is amazing.”
Through our Discipleship Program, Jeri built a new foundation. Routine and stability paved the way to sobriety for herself, and a future for her children.
“It’s been an opportunity to start over. For the first time, I see myself as strong… as a mom… as the person the Lord intended me to be.”
Thank you for sharing God’s love with Jeri this Easter. Her life has been renewed through the joy and hope of the Gospel! “This place truly changes lives. I’m not the same person I was before I came here. I’m so grateful for this second chance.”
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