13 Mar Meet Nikki
Thank you for bringing GREAT JOY to hurting people.
Nikki’s childhood was filled with the pain and shame of abuse. So when she first tried drugs and alcohol as a teenager, it seemed like the perfect escape. “I sought acceptance anywhere… from anybody,” she says. “Drugs were basically a vehicle for that.”
Unable to escape addiction as she grew older, she spent years trapped in an abusive relationship of her own. “I became very good at hiding my addiction and it compromised my life. I was just so lost… trying to hide my shame.”
Nikki knew she needed to be a better mother and role model for her children, so she finally decided to get help. The day she walked into Great Falls Rescue Mission, everything changed for Nikki.
“I came to this big, beautiful facility,” she says, smiling, “and it’s a testimony to what God can do and how His plans are so much better.”
Nikki came to our Women’s Shelter looking for hope and found God. She surrendered her heart to the Lord and began healing from the shame and pain she’d been carrying for so long.
“God’s will is just so powerful. It’s amazing once you realize how He can help and how everything works out for our good.”
Through classes and counseling, Nikki is repairing relationships with her children to help stop the cycle of abuse and addiction. She’s growing closer to the Lord each day… finding strength she never knew she had by following in His footsteps.
“I get to learn about God and His forgiveness and respect for me. I give all the glory to Him.”
Nikki graduated from our Christian Discipleship Recovery Program this October. She plans to go to school in ministry so she can share with others how God’s redeeming grace has transformed her life.
This year, Nikki will be celebrating Christmas as a new creation, filled with the great joy of God’s love. “I’m chosen, cherished and loved. God has a purpose for all of us, and I’m so blessed to have a community family in Christ.”s to take care of the needy and poor. So we’re here opening the doors and opening our arms. It’s an opportunity to pray, open the Bible and love people.”
To read our Holiday 2020 issue of The Beacon, click here.